Second pillar defeated: " You are overwhelmed with pain.".First pillar defeated: " Your mind goes numb.".The following status messages will appear from whichever pillars are taken down first, second, third, and fourth: There is no set order in which the Celestial Pillars must be defeated. The direct threat comes from the minions they spawn they can deal high amounts of damage, can inflict debuffs, and easily swarm the player if not dealt with quickly. The Pillars themselves are fairly easy to defeat, having only 20000 HP each and having weak attacks (none in the case of the Nebula Pillar). When destroyed, the Celestial Pillars each drop between 12–60 / 24–100 Lunar Fragments of their type. After defeating the Moon Lord, the player only needs to defeat 50 enemies of each respective pillar to lower its shield. However, player deaths will not reset them. If the player exits the world without destroying a pillar, all damage done to it will be reset, and the kill count needed to remove the shield will also reset. Enemies will continue to spawn until the pillar is defeated. After doing that, the shield will lower, and the pillar can be damaged. In order to remove the shield, the player needs to defeat 100 enemies that correspond to that particular pillar. Initially, the Celestial Pillars have a large shield around them, which prevents them from taking any damage. Judging by the gear craftable from the fragments that they drop when defeated, they represent the four damage types in Terraria: Solar for melee, Vortex for ranged, Nebula for magic, and Stardust for summon. The four Celestial Pillars are the Solar Pillar, the Vortex Pillar, the Nebula Pillar and the Stardust Pillar. When the player is in that affected area, the background will change to a pillar-specific one, and only pillar-specific enemies will spawn, in large numbers. Each pillar takes control of the map in a circular area around it with a radius of 250 tiles, or 500 feet. They appear at four locations equally spaced across the map (see pillar spawning mechanics below), and are completely stationary, apart from slowly bobbing up and down in place. The Celestial Pillars (also known as the Lunar Pillars, Lunar Towers, or Celestial Towers) are four bosses that appear during the Lunar Events, when the Lunatic Cultist has been defeated.