Vicinity candles
Vicinity candles

BEST LONG-LASTING: Cutter 95784 Citronella Candle, Copper.

vicinity candles

  • BEST TEA LIGHT: Stonebriar 4 Hour Citronella Scented Clear Cup Tea.
  • BEST VOTIVE: Votive Citronella Candles Scented Indoor Outdoor Use.
  • BEST FOR CAMPING: TIKI Brand BiteFighter 17 Ounce Citronella Wax Candle.
  • BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: OFF! Citronella Scented Candle, Ambiance Enhancing.
  • BEST OVERALL: Repel HG-64090 64090 10-Ounce Citronella Insect.
  • Take a look at these top products below to get an idea of the options available. The best citronella candle for you will depend on where you want to place it, the potency of the citronella smoke, the size of the candle, and the maximum length of time it can burn in ideal conditions. By the grill, while you’re napping in a hammock, sitting on the patio, or on a camping trip, you can enjoy nature without worrying about bugs. You can use citronella candles anytime you’re outdoors. This plant extract masks the human scent, so eager insects can’t find you.
  • When waiting for a Martian Probe to spawn, placing or holding a Water Candle will drastically reduce the wait time, letting you trigger the Martian Madness event faster.Citronella candles add elegance to your patio or yard and protect you from insects.
  • Water Candles can be useful for farming enemies for rare items, since the increased spawn rate provides more enemies from which to acquire drops.
  • The NPC presence still prevents the spawn of hostile enemies.
  • If the player enjoys fishing, it can often be useful to place Water Candles around their town, as it increases the spawn rate of bait critters like Fireflies and Worms.
  • It may help to collect or turn off all Water Candles found in the Dungeon, as doing so will lower enemy spawn rates in the area.
  • Being in Space also entirely prevents the Peace Candle from canceling out the Water Candle's increase of +50% maximum amount of simultaneous on-screen enemies. This is the only situation in which the Peace Candle does not fully cancel out the Water Candle, but rather reduces its effect to a spawn rate increase of +100%.
  • In Space, the Water Candle's effects are much more prominent, increasing the effective spawn rate from +33% to +167%.
  • Water Candles cannot be used to increase the spawn rates of certain events like the Pumpkin and Frost Moons, or the Goblin and Pirate Invasions, though the increase in spawned enemies still applies to the Blood Moon and Solar Eclipse.
  • vicinity candles

    However, it will increase enemy spawn rates underwater, whether placed or held. It will give off light underwater if placed, but not if held. The Water Candle can be placed underwater, but it cannot be held underwater.On the Mobile version, the effect of a placed Water Candle will stack with that of a held Water Candle.Conversely, the Water Candle's effect stacks with that of the Battle Potion. If a Peace Candle and a Water Candle are active at the same time, neither have any effect on spawn rates. The Water Candle's effect is the opposite of the Peace Candle, which decreases enemy spawn rates. Water Candles cannot be turned off, and do not act as mechanisms. Water Candles that are turned off will not activate the Water Candle debuff.

    vicinity candles

    Placed Water Candles can be shut off by pressing the ⚷ Interact button on them, and will toggle when activated via wiring. Water Candles can only be placed on platforms and flat furniture items like Work Benches and Tables.

    vicinity candles

    Multiple candles will not stack with each other, even if one is placed and the other held. In order to be considered "holding" the candle, the player must be currently selecting it merely being in a player's inventory or Hotbar will not suffice. The debuff is applied to any players holding or standing within a rectangular area of 169×125 ( ) / 100×84 ( ) tiles centered on a Water Candle. The Water Candle debuff increases all enemy and critter spawn rates by 33%, and increases the maximum number of simultaneous on-screen enemies by 50%. They can also be crafted at a Crystal Ball, which is bought from the Wizard. Several Water Candles are found commonly on the shelves of the Dungeon. Holding a Water Candle does not cause the debuff icon to display, but still causes an identical effect. When placed, it gives nearby players the Water Candle debuff. The Water Candle is a furniture item that can be placed or held to increase enemy and critter spawn rates in the area, and emits a low amount of light. For a complete list of candles, see Candle.

    Vicinity candles